Advanced Studio  |  Igor Siddiqui
Within this project, we are creating a Centennial Time Capsule that relates to problems we are currently experiencing throughout the world. Some of the main factors that my partner and I analyzed were water scarcity and climate change, factors that would stimulate a northern migration in America within the next century.

These concerns for Climate Change pushed us to develop a Water Treatment Plant in Duluth, Minnesota. This site will not only benefit the current needs in 2020, but avoid going obsolete in 2150 by adapting its program.
For an attempt to gauge what the world would be like within the next century, we developed 4 assumptions and created programs and instances that would react accurate to them. These were taken from a timeline that we personally created to get a better picture to develop assumptions.
Natural Water
Natural Water
Water Treatment
Water Treatment
Treatment Locations
Treatment Locations
Industrial Locations
Industrial Locations
Design Abstraction
Design Abstraction
The history of Duluth has a rich background, in the late 1900s competing with New York as the top export and import harbor. Duluth also contains an industrial district that has the capacity required to react to a population boom. All of which allowed us to add on to its cities current infrastructure and develop a water treatment system.
With Duluth along a major Great Lake, we wanted to take advantage of the landscape. Instead of planting our site in the middle of the city we chose to build in the Northern outskirts. This is an attempt to match the population boom, as the city grows it will grow north, eventually allowing our site to become the new heart of downtown.
Ground Plan
Ground Plan
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
Level 1
Level 1
Level 2
Level 2
The plans of the building changes in a way that allow the shells of the Water Treatment Plants remain while the interior is extracted and renovated to a program that mimics a historical type of water purification and supports the newly activated urban landscape. 
Object Re-purposing
Object Re-purposing
Purifying Spaces
Purifying Spaces
Cleansing Baths
Cleansing Baths
Vertical Ambulatory
Vertical Ambulatory
Exhibition Space
Exhibition Space
Tower + Auditorium
Tower + Auditorium
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